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Writer's pictureJessica Adams

Book Marketing Tips and eBookFairs Review

Updated: Jan 28, 2023

What to do and what not to do to network with other authors

*this post may contain affiliate links-the links are no additional cost to you, but I may earn a commission of the purchase price*

Book Marketing Tips; How to Network with other authors for book promotions
Book Marketing Tips

Networking with other authors can be so much fun. Friendships are made and you feel a sense of community.

You realize you are not alone in the author journey.

You share posts, comments, and ideas with each other.

But then something happens.

You realize that there are so many posts to like, share, and comment on and you've done so many "like my page and I'll like yours" that you don't know where to turn anymore.

You comment on posts where you used to get a comment or like back, but soon, those comments no longer come.

You've liked pages you normally would not have liked, just to get a like back.

Your algorithm is messed up and your page barely gets any attention anymore even though you're spending hours upon hours on social media.

This is what has happened to me. I used to participate in "like my page and I'll like yours" threads in groups.

Likes for likes worked for a while, but it got to the point that connections got lost and engagement went down.

For someone starting out new, I would recommend that you never participate in any kind of like for like or follow for follow.

Let people find you and follow you because they genuinely like your content.

Sure, it takes longer to grow that way, but it's better to grow slowly and maintain connections with followers than to grow quickly and lose engagement with those followers.

It hurts your algorithm.

What I have found is something new that shows a lot of promise in helping authors network together without any page likes for likes.

It's a new platform called eBookfairs* (affiliate link) and it is really fun to participate in online book fairs.

I have found that when I post my link to the book fair that my book is in, the post gets more engagement and clicks.

It seems to me that readers are responding very well to online book fairs.

I get more impressions on the eBook fair posts than on my own posts.

Why might that be?

I think readers get bored with the same posts all the time. They want something new.

What better way to promote books than with an online eBook fair with new books to browse?

Readers love book fairs and online book fairs are even better!

For authors, the book fair your book appears in will always be on the website. This is an "evergreen" way to keep your book alive.

The cool thing is that people can vote for their favorite book in the fair for the first week that the fair is live.

If your book wins, it gets promoted on social media platforms for eBookfairs* (affiliate link)

Even if your book doesn't win, other authors are sharing the fair, so new eyes get on your book more often.

I've been an author since 2015.

Marketing was actually a little easier in the beginning. Not as many people were authors back then and the algorithm wasn't as strict back then.

With more and more books being published, it's getting harder to stand out against the crowd.

Readers love books.

Readers love to browse new books.

Let's give readers what they want!

Online eBook fairs on eBookfairs*! (affiliate link)

Update as of September 2021! There is a new giveaway program! Check it out here: eBookfairs Giveaway program* affiliate link

💌 Let us know in the comments how your book marketing is going.

🚩 Bookmark or pin this tip and follow us for more tips!

🧸 The Underground Toy Society children's books* are a fun way to talk to your kids about keeping their rooms clean to keep their toys happy, as well as instilling a sense of giving to others who may be less fortunate.

📩 Download your free printable teddy bear chore charts* that will inspire your kids to clean their rooms in a fun way!


*Jessica D. Adams is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Jessica D. Adams, Author.

*Posts may contain affiliate links. I may earn a small commission for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial, or link to any products or services from this website. Outside links are provided for your convenience, subject to privacy policy, terms and conditions.

Disclaimer: Our products, services, and recommendations are for general use and information and are not intended to replace the advice or expertise of a physician or Occupational Therapist. Please seek professional help when necessary. Circumstances and results may vary.

Jessica is the author of the children's books about The Underground Toy Society. She decided to begin a blog about her experiences and opinions of being an author, as well as a mother and Occupational Therapist. Please note all information on her website and her blog posts are her opinions and her personal experiences. Individual results may vary and her results may not be your results or experiences. This website is meant to be general information, not specific advice. Circumstances and results may vary. The Underground Toy Society children's books aim to teach children to love and appreciate what they have. Hopefully children will want to clean their rooms after learning about The Underground Toy Society. However, all children are different and results may vary. The books are for entertainment purposes only. All recommendations and activities should be completed with adult supervision. Thanks for reading!

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