I was looking for a way to create puzzles for my students for Occupational Therapy and I found an amazing website where you can create puzzles from pictures you own the copyright to. I made a YouTube video about it and created some puzzles. I did run into a few problems though that I will explain later so please keep reading!
It was easy to create the puzzles using a website called jigsawexplorer(dot)com. It is easy to copy the image address, pick the number of puzzle pieces, and then it gives a link to the puzzle. The link to the puzzle above with 6 puzzle pieces is here: Firefighter Fox book puzzle
My students loved the puzzles that I created!
A week later when I went back to create more puzzles, I noticed that the old puzzles I created no longer worked. It gave a message that the link had expired.
I noticed that the puzzle links that expired were from pictures I had posted on social media.
The links that are still working are from my own website.
Therefore, this post is actually a test to see if I can create links for these pictures in order to save these puzzles so I don't have to keep recreating puzzles for my therapy sessions.
These puzzles are great for teaching kids problem solving and letter recognition. Here is the link to Firefighter Fox's letter F puzzle
Link to the puzzle above: Letter D Dog puzzle
I love creating puzzles so if these work and the links stay active, then I will know that I can create even more puzzles so the links will not expire hopefully.
Link to the puzzle above: Rabbit puzzle
If the links do expire, then I guess I will have to make new puzzles each week so my students will have different puzzles instead of the same ones all the time.
Stay tuned for the links to these puzzles and hopefully the links won't expire!
After 7 days, the links I created to the puzzles are still working so I am going to make a few more puzzles. I hope you find them useful and helpful for your students or your kids!
Link to the B butterfly puzzle above (6 piece puzzle) Letter B butterfly 6 piece puzzle
Link to the B butterfly puzzle above (9 piece puzzle) Letter B butterfly 9 piece puzzle
Link to the C cow puzzle above (6 piece puzzle) Letter C cow 6 piece puzzle
Link to the C cow puzzle above (9 piece puzzle) Letter C cow 9 piece puzzle

Link to the lily puzzle above 12 pieces Lily 12 piece puzzle
Link to the lily puzzle above 16 pieces Lily 16 piece puzzle
The links are still working so here are some more puzzles with The Underground Toy Society characters!
Link to the E Ellie Elephant puzzle above (6 piece puzzle) Ellie E 6 piece puzzle
Link to the E Ellie Elephant puzzle above (9 piece puzzle) Ellie E 9 piece puzzle
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Disclaimer: Our products, services, and recommendations are for general use and information and are not intended to replace the advice or expertise of a physician or Occupational Therapist. Please seek professional help when necessary. Circumstances and results may vary. By participating in our challenges, contests, or giveaways, you agree to release Jessica D. Adams and her family from any and all liability and we will not be responsible for anything that may happen to people who participate. We also will not be responsible for any other participants who host giveaways, including those who do not fulfill their obligations during group giveaways, blog hops, or the like. No purchase is necessary to enter any of our giveaways. Winners are chosen at random. We're not responsible for incomplete entries.
Jessica is the author of the children's books about The Underground Toy Society. She decided to begin a blog about her experiences and opinions of being an author, as well as a mother and Occupational Therapist. Please note all information on her website and her blog posts are her opinions and her personal experiences. Individual results may vary and her results may not be your results or experiences. This website is meant to be general information, not specific advice. Circumstances and results may vary. The Underground Toy Society children's books aim to teach children to love and appreciate what they have. Hopefully children will want to clean their rooms after learning about The Underground Toy Society. However, all children are different and results may vary. The books are for entertainment purposes only. All recommendations and activities should be completed with adult supervision. Thanks for reading!